Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why not raise taxes on the least affluent Americans?

I have to give Eric Cantor credit for finally being honest about the Republican desire to fund tax cuts for the wealthy from the pockets of the middle class.  This came to my attention from the informative Citizens for Tax Justice, which reported on Cantor's moment of tax transparency. That was grist for my latest piece on the deceit of the Republican agenda.

Eric Cantor, the Republican House majority leader, signed Grover Norquist's "no tax pledge.” But apparently his pledge doesn’t apply to the 45 percent of workers who make so little money that they don't owe federal personal income taxes. At a private event hosted by Bank of America, Cantor said we “have to discuss the issue” of increasing personal income tax rates for these workers so that he can lower tax rates for everybody else.  The rationale: to get the economy growing again.
Cantor’s appeal continues the Republican opposition to tax relief for the middle class, despite their vigorous opposition to raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans. As these actions demonstrate, the agenda embraced by the Republican Party and fully supported by Mitt Romney is misguided and deceitful.
Cantor's remarks can only be interpreted as suggesting that the rich are over-taxed and the middle class is under-taxed. In fact, data compiled by the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy shows that when all taxes are taken into account, our tax system is barely progressive. In 2011, the share of taxes paid by the top one percent (21.6%) matched their share of the country's income (21.0%).   The top one percent paid 29% of their income to taxes; the rest paid nearly the same amount, 27.5%.
Not only do the wealthy not pay higher average tax rates than others, but taxes for them are at the lowest levels in more than 50 years, thanks to Republican policies that have dramatically lowered rates on the highest income brackets, and preferentially treated investment income that goes mostly to the wealthy.
Republicans want us to believe that lowering taxes for the rich will trickle down and help the middle class. It's not true. Over the past three decades, per capita income has grown no faster in the U.S., where top tax rates were cut substantially, than in European countries that did not cut their top rates.  Long ago, President George Bush called supply-side economic theory for what it is, “voodoo economics.”
What is true is that the Republican tax agenda has benefitted the wealthy enormously.  The Congressional Budget Office reported that from 1979 to 2007, household income for the top one percent rose 275 percent, while for bottom fifth of households, it increased just 18 percent.  As the middle class struggles with the aftermath of the Bush-era Great Recession, most of the gains are going to the ultra-wealthy. As the economy recovered in 2010, nine out of every ten dollars of additional income versus 2009 went to the top one percent. That equated to a 12% increase in income for those fortunate few, while the bottom 99 percent gained, on average, just an extra $80!
That hasn’t stopped Republicans from pushing policies, cloaked as job building, that help the wealthy even more. The House Republican leadership has introduced The Small Business Tax Cut Act, which lets most small businesses (those with less than 500 employees, hardly the definition of small) deduct up to 20 percent of their income in 2012, a $46 billion expense to taxpayers. According to the independent Tax Policy Center, nearly half of the cuts will go to people making more than $1 million. What's worse, it will do little to create jobs.  The economic impact is “so little as to be incalculable,” according to the official analysis by the Congressional Joint Tax Committee.  More reason not to believe Republicans and Romney when they talk about the wisdom of their policies for lowering the deficit and growing the economy.
Companies don't have to hire new workers to receive the credit, one of the reasons that an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office ranked business income tax cuts as the second-most expensive way to create jobs among those evaluated.  It isn't taxes (or regulation) that are keeping businesses from growing.  Rather, it is lack of demand, as reported in a survey conducted last fall by the National Federation of Independent Businesses.
What's the most tax-efficient way to create job growth?  According to the CBO, it is payroll tax cuts and unemployment insurance that put money into the hands of those who need it most, and will stimulate the economy by spending it.  Precisely the two middle class-friendly policies that Republicans have stood in the way of since President Obama took office. 
Rhetoric aside, the facts are clear:  the Republican agenda is about making the wealthy richer, not putting Americans back to work. On this point, Eric Cantor is clear: “I've never believed that you raise taxes on those who have been successful.”

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