Friday, October 12, 2012

Social Justice is "Un-American." Really?

Here in Greenwich, State Senator L. Scott Frantz seems to be competing with Governor Romney for who can make the most astonishing statements about their fundamental views.

“The Democrats: how fundamentally un-American of them to push for concepts such as social justice.”  These are the words used by our State Senator, L. Scott Frantz, to his supporters at the opening of the Greenwich Republican headquarters. 
Perhaps Mr. Franz has a different definition for social justice.  But in the words of a great American, Franklin D. Roosevelt, “we Americans everywhere must and shall choose the path of social justice, ...the path of faith, the path of hope and the path of love toward our fellow man.”
The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States ends with the words, “and justice for all.”  A quick read of its history makes it clear that the author was speaking about justice expansively, to include the equal treatment of citizens, and removing barriers to opportunity.  In other words, “social justice.”
Republicans’ contempt for the welfare of everyday Americans is astounding. From the top of their ticket, with Mitt Romney who believes 47% of Americans take no responsibility for their own well being, all the way down to Senator Frantz who represents Greenwich and Stamford in the CT state legislature.
I am a Democrat and proud to say I stand for social justice, a principle upon which this country was founded.  And I am proud to vote for Democratic candidates who believe it is profoundly American to care about social justice.  That includes Dan Dauplaise, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in the 36th district running against Senator Frantz.

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